Título: Gernika, Guernica, Guernica?: Contested meanings of a Basque place
Autor: Watson, Cameron J.
Autores: Raento, Pauliina
Publicado en: Political Geography. Volume 19, Issue 6, August 2000, Pages 707-736
Fecha de incorporación a EMD: 15-dic-2023
Resumen: The town of Gernika/Guernica is the center for meaning and territorial continuity of Basque nationalist identity. The town and its symbolism represent the history of national conflict with the Spanish state. It is also the focal point of local disagreements; within Basque nationalism itself and between regional urban centers. The town's significance in the Spanish Civil War, representation in Picasso's painting Guernica, and commemoration in the Americas by Basque emigrants has made it a globally significant place. The contest of meanings related to Gernika/Guernica underscores the significance of naming, monuments, ritual, resistance, oppression, and conflict in the creation and maintenance of national identities. In its examination of the politics of a Basque place, the joining of the forces of geography and history proves to be useful in the analysis of meaning in place- and time-specific political processes. From this perspective, the recent development from conflict toward harmony in Basque politics is reviewed.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10357/69770
Enlace al catálogo: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0962629800000020
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