Izenburua: A strategy for self-adjointness of Dirac operatorsapplications to the MIT bag model and δ-shell interactions / Thomas Ourmières-Bonafos and Luis Vega González
Beste izenburu batzuk: Publicacions matematiques
Autores: Vega González, Luis
Ourmières Bonafos, Thomas
Argitaratua: Publicacions matematiques, ISSN 0214-1493, Vol. 62, n 2 (2018), p. 397-437
Palabras clave:   Matemáticas Artículos periodísticos.
EMDrako sartzeko data: 26-Nov-2021
Deskribapena: We develop an approach to prove self-adjointness of Dirac operators with boundary or transmission conditions at a C 2 -compact surface without boundary. To do so we are lead to study the layer potential induced by the Dirac system as well as to define traces in a weak sense for functions in the appropriate Sobolev space. Finally, we introduce Calderón projectors associated with the problem and illustrate the method in two special cases: the well-known MIT bag model and an electrostatic δ-shell interaction.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10357/63436
Jatorrizko biltegia: https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=6499540
Eskubideak: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
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